Blepharitis Specialist

VistaSite Eye Care
Optometrists located in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Valley Stream and Manhattan, New York, NY
Inflammation of the eyelid known as blepharitis causes problems like eyelid swelling, redness, and itchiness, and if left untreated may cause symptoms severe enough to interfere with clear vision as well. The good news is that the optometrists at VistaSite Eye Care in New York City offer noninvasive treatments to minimize or even eliminate your symptoms. To learn more, call or use online booking to schedule an appointment at the nearest VistaSite Eye Care office in Brooklyn, Manhattan, the Bronx, Valley Stream, or Washington Heights today.
Blepharitis Q & A
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is an eye condition that causes a range of issues, including:
- Chronic watery eyes
- Eye pain
- Itchy eyes
- Blurry vision
- Red eyelids
- Sticky eye secretions
- Eyelid crust
The exact cause of blepharitis isn't known, but there may be a connection with bacterial infections, allergies, or eye oil gland issues.
How is Blepharitis Treated?
Your VistaSite Eye Care optometrist will treat your blepharitis based on your specific symptoms. Treatments are typically noninvasive, and you can often do them at home. Treatment options include:
- Warm Compresses: Warm compresses, applied gently after washing your eyes, are often enough to manage your blepharitis symptoms. If compresses don't yield the symptom relief you need, your optometrist may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics.
- Antibiotics: Antibiotic creams, rubbed gently into your eyelids, can eliminate any bacterial infection lingering in your eyes and give you relief from inflammation. If topical antibiotics aren't successful, oral antibiotics can work as they give you a larger dosage and it's all absorbed into the body.
- Anti-Inflammatories: Anti-inflammatory medications in either eye drop or oral form can curb redness and irritation. Anti-inflammatories are sometimes used along with antibiotics.
- Immunosuppressants: Immunosuppressant eye drops such as Restasis® can stop dryness and irritation, but don't stop infection. They're sometimes used along with antibiotics.
Your optometrist may recommend several of these at once, depending on how your body responds to treatment.
Will My Blepharitis Return?
Blepharitis is a chronic condition in most cases, and this means that you'll need to be careful to prevent flare-ups whenever possible. You can often prevent them by paying particular attention to your face and eye cleansing routine.
Always wash your face with a gentle nonabrasive cleanser, and take special care when cleaning your eyelids. Use a warm damp cloth to gently clean the upper and lower eyelids, particularly the area where the lashes meet the lids.
If you notice redness, swelling, or other signs of a blepharitis flare-up, start using warm compresses on your eyes right away. Avoid wearing makeup on your eyes until the flare-up passes.
If you’re frustrated with your blepharitis symptoms, call or use online booking to schedule an appointment at VistaSite Eye Care today.
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